Sesebuah majlis mesti takkan sempurna tanpa wedding planner. Tak semestinya kene engage outsider utk plan our wedding. Because sometime kte sendiri pon bole jadi wedding planner utk our own event. But for me, disebabkan kerja office pon da banyak dan bukan dari keluarga seni, so tak dapat la nk lantik diri sendiri.. So kene jugak appoint pihak lain utk consult tentang kerja-kerja kahwin ni...
Ok.. Tips utk kite memilih wedding planner ialah kita mesti tahu ape yang kite nak. Prepare list utk tanye wedding planner. Sb kalu kte tak tahu ape yang kte nak mcam mane wedding planner nak propose something utk puaskan hati kte kan. So kalu ikot falsafah procurement, u oll kne prepare the RFP utk calon2 wedding planner. Make them understand what actually you want for your wedding. Ask them to quote for you. Do the comparison and if you need further clarification better jumpe je terus. Visit butik or their wedding house. Sometimes mmg ada yang murah, tapi kene tgk jugak service orang tu sama ada meet u oll punye expectation or not. "Tepuk dada tanye selera" ok?
For me, benda yang paling I titik beratkan ialah sikap wedding planner itu sendiri, jangan engage dengan wedding planner yang berpotensi utk kasi problem kat u oll. Then, tgk sama ada idea yang dye bagi tu bernas ke tak... Kalu ntah ape2 bole tolak tepi, cari yang laen. And the most important thing u oll kene tgk sendiri contoh2 design yang they provide and tgk sendiri the props. Ini adalah penting sb kadang2 diorang pandai tunjuk gambar je tapi tak cukup props.. Better choose wedding planner yang ada butik sebab senang nk buat pilihan.
After appoint your wedding planner, tunjuk kan contoh pelamin, baju, material and ape2 je yang u oll nk. Confirmkan and make sure all in black and white. Mintak proper quotation.. Sb kalu ada ape2 yang tak cukup bole refer kan... Sometimes diorang mintak extra charge of the service. So, to avoid better u oll go for details. Duit utk spend kat sini bukan skit tp beribu2 jugak kan...
And finally ive found my wedding planner.. They meet all my requirement and can give me the best price. Hope we can work together and sharing ideas... Perhaps sume berjalan lancar utk sepanjang kerja kahwin ni... Amin~~
Ini adalah contoh kerja kahwin wedding planner sy.. (yang mengikut citarasa sy ..~)
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very soft touch .... Nice! |
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Baju ni cantik sangat utk malam berinai.. Ok found mine! Hikhik~ |
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ada koleksi Modern Suit for my BigBos... Ok noted! |
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Wow! Glamorous Black+Red.. Impressive! +point! |
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GREAT! Sangat banyak koleksi baju.. Senang buat pilihan.. |
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Open booth for exhibition. Ok. Convincing! |
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My lovely wedding theme :) |
After further discussion with my BigBos,
After further discussion with my BigBos,
I would like to award WG as my wedding planner..
Close tender!
fening na pilih WP tp nora pun dah pilih. ehehhe moga hasil terbaik diberikan :)
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